
GeneratioNEXT Family Crusade

GeneratioNEXT Family Crusade

GeneratioNEXT Family Crusade

GeneratioNEXT Family Crusade

About GeneratioNEXT

Under the direction and vision of Pastor Gary Caudill (as guided by The Holy Spirit), GeneratioNEXT is designed to minister to the family unit in such a way as to encourage the entire family, if and when possible, to serve God TOGETHER, after having put their hope in Jesus!

The symbolism of linking the words "Generation" and "NEXT" TOGETHER with the singular letter "N" (GeneratioNEXT) implies that it is when this generation works TOGETHER with the NEXT generation that the next generation is most positively impacted for the cause of Christ.

As their pastor, 
Washington Heights Baptist Church has followed Pastor Gary's leadership, and thus has been gracious enough to host the event in good faith that God and His people across the entire region will also get involved and support the meeting to the successful end of evangelizing and equipping our sons and daughters to follow and serve Jesus as we set the example.

Our prayer is that this will become known as OUR meeting ("OUR" meaning the entire community), and not just a WHBC meeting.

Will you join us in this effort?  As long as God enables us, our plan is to do this meeting on Labor Day weekend every year hereafter.

Click on the map image for directions to the location.
2022 08 06 16 15 12


1176 Washington Road
Under the Tent
Thomson, GA 30824

Labor Day Weekend
Thursday - Sunday

6 pm Food & Fellowship Nightly
7 pm Service Nightly

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